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About GamificationLab

GamificationLab Sapienza

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GamificationLab is a university laboratory dedicated to research and teaching in the field of Human-Computer Interaction, Gamification, games/videogames and digital simulations.

The GamificationLab is the laboratory of the Department of Computer Science, Sapienza at the DigiLab Interdepartmental Research Center.

Within the lab, digital applications (particularly for mobile devices), gamification applications, video game products, simulations and highly interactive applications are designed, developed and tested.

Students participating in the lab are involved in developing projects under the supervision of faculty and tutors. Working groups are provided with all necessary support for the ideation-design (design, game design, need finding, storyboarding), prototyping and experimentation, development and testing, deployment and usage analysis phases.

The laboratory operates in order to implement innovative forms of teaching, research activities and interdisciplinary development projects by promoting cooperation between departments, faculty, researchers and students of Sapienza with companies, public agencies and financial operators.

In the lab, the following are designed and developed:

  • apps published on the iOS and Android stores under the name SapienzaApps: more than 50 published since 2010 to date, include the official Infostud app, the SeismoCloud app, as well as some apps for cultural heritage such as the “MAn Roma” app for the G. Sergi Museum of Anthropology at Sapienza, and the SafeArt app, for monitoring the transportation of artworks.
  • gamification solutions, simulators (typically for education and training purposes), serious games and video games in collaboration with leading companies, institutions, public agencies and departments of Sapienza. For projects (and prototypes) created by students see the Project page in Gamification and Game Design.

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