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University teachings taught by the lab faculty are:

First semester:

  • Web and Software Architecture, Prof. Emanuele Panizzi

    • Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence - third year
    • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science (Programmazione per il web) - third year
    • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science (Programmazione per il web) - third year
  • GamificationLab Complementary Educational Activity (AFC), Prof. Francesco Lutrario

    • Master’s Degree in Computer Science
  • Gamification and Game Design, Prof. Francesco Lutrario

    • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science (Unitelma) - third-year

Secondo semester:

  • Human-Computer Interaction, Prof. Emanuele Panizzi

    • ACSAI (Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence) - third year
  • Human-Computer Interaction on the Web, Prof. Emanuele Panizzi

    • Master in computer science - first year

Previous courses:

  • Interazione Uomo-Macchina, Prof. Emanuele Panizzi
    • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science - third year
    • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science (Unitelma) - third year.