Disponibile in inglese - Available in English
Prof. Emanuele Panizzi, PI
Tesi disponibili
Percorso di Eccellenza
- Design e valutazione di interfacce utente implicite con LLM e sistemi multi-agente
- Generazione basata su AI di simulazioni realistiche di viaggi in veicoli per applicazioni multimodali.
Tirocini di Laurea Triennale (Ultimo aggiornamento: 22 gen 2025)
prerequisiti: (IUM || HCI) && WASA
- Web application for a recycling platform
- Data management, analysis and visualization on Grafana
- Integrating modules for the Generocity App – iOS
- Integrating modules for the Generocity App – Android
- Smart-parking videogame development and testing on the CARLA street traffic simulator
- Evaluation of implicit interaction interfaces
Tesi di Laurea Magistrale (Ultimo aggiornamento: 22 gennaio 2025)
- Development on mobile platform and On-field test of a localization algorithm
- Revolutionizing Short Distance Estimation by Harnessing Deep Learning and Inertial Measurement Unit’s Data
- Creating a Basic Movements Dataset: Refining Signals with Generative AI
- Creating a Basic Movements Dataset: Emulating Signals with Generative AI
- Validating Location Synthetic Data Leveraging Adversarial Networks and LLMs
- Generating Location Synthetic Data Leveraging Adversarial Networks and LLMs
Pubblicazioni recenti
- Conference Paper - AVI 24
- Stefano Zeppieri, Alba Bisante, Emanuele Panizzi, Gabriella Trasciatti and Venkata Srikanth Varma Datla (2024) Enhancing Interface Design with AI: An Exploratory Study on a ChatGPT-4-Based Tool for Cognitive Walkthrough Inspired Evaluations Presented at Advanced Visual Interfaces 2024, Genova, Italy, June 3-7 2024
- Journal Article - SSCR
- Antenore, M., Camacho Rodriguez, J. M., & Panizzi, E. (2023). A Comparative Study of Bot Detection Techniques With an Application in Twitter Covid-19 Discourse. Social Science Computer Review.
- Conference Paper - SIGCHI 23
- Bisante, A., Dix, A., Panizzi, E., & Zeppieri, S. (2023, September). To err is AI. In Proceedings of the 15th Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter (pp. 1-11).
- Conference Paper - SIGCHI 23
- Bassetti, E., Cavallaccio, G., De Marsico, M., & Panizzi, E. (2023, September). Poster: Human Presence Detection After Earthquakes: An AI-Based Implicit User Interface on the Smartphone. In Proceedings of the 15th Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter (pp. 1-4).
- Conference Paper - AUTOUI 23
- Bisante, A., Panizzi, E., & Zeppieri, S. (2023, September). Cruising-for-Parking Detection on the Smartphone Based on Implicit Interaction and Machine Learning. In 15th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (pp. 93-102).
- Journal Article - FGCS
- Luciani, A.; Panizzi, E. Street Direction Classification using Implicit Vehicle Crowdsensing and Deep Learning Accepted for publication on Future Generation Computer Systems, 2023
- Grand Tour Afam, finanziato da MUR, 2024-2026
- MICS, PNRR PE11, 2023-2026
- SANLO, finanziato da DTC Lazio, 2020-2024
- ProDoc, finanziato da Sapienza ARU, 2020-2024
- HERMES, finanziato da DTC Lazio, 2020-2024
- SeismoCloud, finanziato da Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), 2019-2022
- Generocity, parzialmente finanziato da Sapienza Progetti di Ateneo, 2019-Presente
- Prof. Emanuele Panizzi, Associate Professor, Head
Contract Professor
- Prof. Francesco Lutrario
Studenti di Dottorato
- Alba Bisante (XXXVII ciclo, 2021)
- Stefano Zeppieri (XXXVIII ciclo, 2022)
- Varma Venkata Srikanth Datla (XXXVIII ciclo, 2022)
- Gabriella Trasciatti (XXXIX ciclo), 2023
- Alessandro Aiuti (XL ciclo, 2024)
Studenti percorso di eccellenza
- Elena Jang, 2023-2024
- Stefano Zeppieri, 2021-2022
- Alba Bisante, 2020-2021
- Alessio Luciani, 2019-2020
Master thesis students
- Elena Jang, 2024
Membri precedenti
- José Camacho Rodriguez
- Intern, PHD student from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Aprile-Luglio 2024
- Saurabh Bharat Nagarkar, Master student
- Erasmus Intern from Artificial Intelligence program at UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) - Marzo-Luglio 2024
- Enrico Bassetti, PhD
- Studente Magistrale 2018-2020,
- Dottorando Novembre 2019 - Maggio 2023
- Post-Doc Maggio 2023 - Febbraio 2024
- Attualmente post-doc a TU Delft, NL
Professori ospiti in passato
- Prof. Alan Dix, Swansea University, Wales - Ottobre-Novembre 2022